Those of you that have been with us for awhile remember the story of Landyn and Larsyn. We had an outpouring of support for this family while the mother was carrying her twin son and daughter. The family knew that Landyn had a terminal brain defect and the mother’s true prayer was that she would be able to meet her son and spend some amount of time with him before he was called home. This was all in doubt because many times babies with such problems pass away prior to birth. Landyn and Larsyn were born on Friday morning and the family’s prayer came true. As their Caring Bridge page states, “Landyn and Larsyn both have alot of curly black hair. Landyn was born at 11:46 a.m. and weighed 3 lbs, 4 oz and was 14" long. Larsyn was born at 11:47 a.m. and weighed 6 lbs, 7 oz and was 18" long. Larsyn has some really chubby cheeks.” Landyn was held, loved, kissed and cuddled for three hours before he returned home. Please hold in your heart this family right now. They have been so appreciative for the love sent to them thus far, and Heather and I feel so blessed that our little community was able to help.
As I finish typing up this information, I feel so much sadness. There are people out there fighting tough battles, ones that I can’t begin to fathom. And I guess right now, I’m not supposed to…some of my own battles have passed and some are on the horizon – the same is true for all of us. It almost makes you feel helpless – but it shouldn’t. Because you weren’t….Many of you packed up infant clothes and sent them along, some didn’t have infants, but purchased clothes anyhow, some sent baby items, some offered prayers, some shed tears, some just hugged their own kiddos a little tighter. Many did something. And the same is true for so many of these stories that we can’t always share. There are so many stories that Heather and I hear that break our hearts and tug at our soul….but those are the people you are helping on the other end of the box.
Thank you, dear little community, for sharing your lives with us. We take it so very seriously and to be honest, your stories are never far from our minds and our hearts.
As the back to school season is upon us, there are so very many families struggling to gather all of the necessary items to give their child an equal start…if you can’t donate, please share our information with someone (you never know who can help) or send up a prayer for those families. Sometimes the way each of us can help comes in very different ways…and each of those ways are amazingly important.
If you feel moved to contact Landyn and Larsyn’s family during this time – please contact us so we can send you their information privately.
In love and kindness,

Email Elizabeth & Heather
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