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We love hearing stories of how families are joining together to help ease the burden of another family - especially through boxing up gently used clothes that are no longer being worn. Both Elizabeth and I have been so touched by the families and their amazing kiddos that have worked together to help those in need. It truly teaches all of us the gift of giving and the feeling that we are all interconnected in this world.
Kids are amazing! They will surprise you at the level of understanding they have as well as the ingrained sense of helping out another. Sometimes it just takes a wonderful mom to show the way. Such is the case of Kristen from We Are That Family. She is such an amazing woman and mother (and blogger too!) She has been so kind to promote Pass It On, Baby! on her blog and newsletter as well as share a box of many sizes of her kids clothes as well. Her children actually put together a lemonade stand in order to help pay for the shipping of a box of Pass It On, Baby! clothes. Here are the cute pics of their charity lemonade fundraiser!
These incredible kids were able to raise $20 at their lemonade stands (which is a whopping 40 customers!!) - 1/2 of which they are donating to the shipping of a Pass It On, Baby! box. What a blessing these children are for their own family as well as the families they are touching with the box of clothes they are sending.
Here are a few other pics of wonderful Pass It On, Baby! kids helping other kids. It touches us to see the love and generosity that is being taught to this generation of kids. It is a testament to the kinds of wonderful moms and families that Pass It On, Baby! has been blessed enough to connect with.

What a great way to teach kids about charity by actively having them participate going through their closets and picking out the clothes they no longer wear and boxing them up for another kid in need of those exact sizes! Many kids can more readily relate to other kids who are in need or hurting. Getting them involved in something as simple as Pass It On, Baby! or any other program where kids help other kids is a great way to instill a lifelong attitude of giving.
Thank you all for dedicating the time in helping teach your children this concept of philanthropy through Pass It On, Baby!
In love & kindness,
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